The wedding is black tie and guests are requested to wear black attire.
Is transportation provided?
Complimentary shuttles run continuously throughout the property of Nemacolin -- not at scheduled times but on an as-needed basis.
Transportation is not provided to hotel properties not affiliated with Nemacolin. Ride-sharing like Uber & Lyft are also not available in Farmington, PA
When is check-in/check-out times for Nemacolin?
Check in time is 4 pm. Guests arriving before 4 pm will be accommodated as rooms become available. Check out time is 11 am. Prior to departure, staff can make arrangements to hold and store luggage for guests who would like to stay and enjoy the resort past 11 am. Late check-out requests have limited availability and must be pre-arranged through the Front Desk.
Can I bring my children?
The Brown-Krimm Wedding will be an adults only celebration!
If I am not staying at Nemacolin Resort, can I use the amenities on property?
Nemacolin reserves its amenities for those who are staying on the property. If you plan to stay at an alternate hotel, you will be welcome on property for wedding events only.